- Travel time from here to there. Most of my grateful thinking is done during boring travel time from fun time to sleep time.
- People who say what is really on their mind. I am well aware that sometimes people think things that they would NEVER say out loud. However, there are some people I am completely comfortable with sharing this horrible information. I am grateful when people are willing to share that information with me.
- CDS. Which, unlike I-Pod, won't remind you how many times you listened to Tegan and Sara over and over and over and over and over again.
- Tonka. Who is always glad to see me. No matter what.
- Caller ID. Which will tell you not to pick up the phone from the crazy guy at the bar who wants to take you out to dinner but you're too chicken to say, "Yeah, no."
Sometimes I'm guarded. Most of the time I think I'm a fairly open person, but sometimes I do things just because I do. I'm most thankful for the people who understand that I do these things, because that's just who I am, and that's just what I do. I was surprised by someone tonight who understood my actions, without me telling them. And they said, "hey Merry, I know what you're doing, and you can stop acting that way, because I understand."
That was a great feeling.
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