Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Birthday Blog

Happy Birthday Erin Page!

Dear Erin,

We've been friends since the 8th grade. And after Katie decided you were cool enough to join our group by successfully making it through a day long super extravaganza bike ride through Paw Paw, you became a permanent part of my high school group. (side note: Little has been made public about what we made people do to prove their worthiness to join our group in Middle School.) And well, honestly, I'm so happy to have you as a friend.

One of my favorite memories of you consists of the day the "crew" stalked the undercover cop by following her home from school one day, and chasing her down once she made her first move. I still have vivid images of your maroon Jimmy skidding around a corner when the cop tried to make a run for it! We were crazy.

Twenty-four is going to be a big year for you, and I'm happy that I'm going to be a part of it. While our friendship has been very distant since we graduated from high school, I still consider you to be one of my best friends. One of my favorite things about you is your ability to light up a room. Your smile and your laugh make it impossible for anyone not to enjoy your company.

Thank you Erin for being such an important part of my life. I hope you're birthday is great and I can't wait to see you over New Years.



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