New Years Resolution #2: Take more pictures like you used to.
For those of you who don't know:
New Years Resolution #1: Try harder to live in the present.
I may be starting early, but I think I did a pretty good job of living in the present over my vacation. I tried really hard to focus on what was going around me, and to try to pay attention to the wonderful people who spent the weekend with me. I tried to notice new things about my family that I didn't know. I tried to observe the scenery around me and find it beautiful. Mainly, I tried to focus on how sweet it was that I was at Disney World over the holiday weekend.
I've really enjoyed my break away from Detroit these past couple of weeks. However, I've missed a lot of people in Detroit as well. I really need to stop breaking up my friendships into sections of my life... It makes things difficult. Paw Paw... Hope... London... Detroit... etc. Too much!
My break has been good because:
- I've spent a lot of time with my family.
- I've spent a lot of time with my friends. Especially Katie and Ryan.
- I've seen a lot of friends from High School that I never thought I would see again (mainly from way too many visits to Sportsman's Bar in one week).
- I've had really deep conversations with new people.
- I've had a lot of free/alone time to think about what I need to do in the next year to accomplish some of my life goals.
- I've had a lot of free time to read real books... not text books.
- There is still two weeks left.
The time I've had to think has led me to another conclusion:
New Years Resolution #3 (the final one): Focus on listening more.
I love to talk to people. However, when looking back on good conversations, I find that there are a lot of topics that get overlooked because I have interrupted them with some useless comment.
One final thought.
Why is it that when people break up, the individuals start to focus on things that strengthen who they are, who they want to be, and what they have lost in the past? I don't know know if this is a trend for most people, but I've run by it a few times in my lifetime. When a break up occurs, myself, along with my other ex-sig's, start picking up hobbies they once loved, pick up relationships that were lost but are really important, or start working towards their lifelong dreams. Why does this only occur as a part of a breakup, when in reality, it should have been happening when the two were together?
I think that a person you're meant to be with should help bring out the best person in you all along, and you should do the same for him/her. I envy those who have found it. However, I'm grateful that I can see it in others, and that I can hope for the same with myself.
1 comment:
Hey Merry, I was on your Facebook, randomly, and clicked on your blog to see what you have been up to. I'm going to steal one (or more) of your resolutions: I need to (go back to) living in the present. Also, your observations on break ups are accurate for everyone.
Anyways, glad to see you are well. If you're going to be in Paw Paw much longer we should get together sometime.
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