- People who befriend the new girl in town, because without them I would've been very alone all these years.
- My brain, which makes school easy for me to get good grades in.
- Pets, and their unusual personalities.
- My hometown friends, who call or IM me for no reason at all. This makes me feel really special.
- People who bring me food; enough said really.
I had a really good conversation with someone yesterday about "living in the moment." It's amazing how much time I spend looking forward to the future without paying attention to the present. Well, I'm determined to be through with it... for the most part (who doesn't like looking forward to the future? Winter Park, baby!) I just have to remember: There's nothing so certain as the here and now.
Merry, you live up to your name. In the short amount of time I was given to be blessed by you in my life, you ran by leaving my cup runneth over with "refreshing". You are right, I have the same days, I keep a picture of this woman who lost both legs and both arms after delivering her baby. I keep things just like this post when I find myself pissy with what and where and who I dont have. It helps, I love the things you're thankful for. Today, I was thankful for the snow my babies had a blast in, thankful Ben sat with me so I could smell his hair, thankful I have a warm house and my animals were safe inside while I watched it snow. And daily, I'm thankful for the people, such as yourself, who briefly crossed in my life. Kudos to how well you keep yourself in check.
I am also eternally grateful to anyone who gives me food. Does that mean we're similar to dogs in some way?
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