Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Fever!

What is it about Spring that makes you want to clean out your life?

Every year I get the same urge to de-materialize my life. I look around my room and think, "man do I have a lot of stuff." Which is funny, because in reality, I don't have that much stuff. I can fit the most of my belongings (minus my winter gear and my motorcycle) in this tiny 12x12 room. My dog and his kennel even fit in my room! Also, this urge I get every spring tied to the fact that I've moved like 10 times in the last 6 years hasn't left me with a whole lot of really useless things anyway, even If I feel like it has.

Either way, it's time to simplify.

Goals for Spring Cleaning:
  • Take most of my UDM textbooks back to the bookstore. There will only be like 5 that I will want to keep.
  • Take the other books that you don't like/never will read again because they were lame and donate them to the Library.
  • Recycle all school notebooks and papers immediately after passing my comprehesive final.
  • Go through old clothes and see which ones I can turn into new summer clothes. Old jeans into new capri shorts, old T-shirts into new fun tank tops.
  • Turn old clothes into new summer clothes.
  • Turn the pile of old hoodies from high school and Hope into a cool blanket. I should have done this during the winter because I could have always used another blanket, but I didn't.
  • Take remaining ugly old clothes, shoes and useless trinkets to the Salvation Army.
  • Put winter stuff in storage (snowboard, hockey gear, really warm sweaters) and bring up summer gear (...bathing suit?)
  • Give/mail things back to their original owners.

An a different note, I'm pretty sure my dog let himself out this morning. Now I know mornings aren't usually when my memory is working at it's peak. But after I fed Tonka, I walked out the back door to see what the weather was like and then I came in to my room to check my e-mail. When I got back up to let him outside, I was surprised to find him already out there.


1 comment:

StellarReve said...

WOW! What a good IDEA about the HOODIES becoming a blanket!! GENIOUS, seriously, I have never thought of that!! AHH, I think I will make that a project of mine, I have too many hoodies I can't part with that I never wear! Way to be!

Hahaha your bit about Tonka cracked me up!