In the last 10 days I've:
- Made some new friends.
- Constantly made reference to the "everything's amazing but nobody's happy" skit I stole from Ramsey's facebook. "You're in a seat... in the sky!"
- Celebrated Melissa's birthday.
- Practically forced my friends to leave a karaoke bar because my eyes balls were getting burned out of their sockets from too much smoke.
- Caught up with some old friends.
- Thought about stealing a boat with Ryan.
- Solidified the belief that the field I've chosen to go in to is something I would really enjoy, even if it may take a few years or so to get to the place I want to be.
- Fell in love with up north Michigan all over again.
- Hung out with my aunt Merry and uncle Gary.
- Had my final snowboard of the season in 40 degree weather wearing leggings and my winter coat's liner.
- Rocked out hard core in a vehicle three times with three different groups of people.
- Felt totally embarrassed that I wanted to run away and hide.
- Went to the casino.
- Laughed so hard I wanted to cry, multiple times.
- Played with Katie's recording equipment.
- Had hours of good conversation with Kim at our (sometimes pointless) internship.
- Finished Kafka's The Trial, which turned out much better than I thought it was going to.
- Had an interview at a flower shop.
- Got my motorcycle insured and received a quote for new tires.
- Went out for St. Patrick's day on a Tuesday when I originally had decided to stay home.
- Drank green beer for the first time.
- Was in one of my best moods of the year with the help of 70 degree weather, flip-flops, beer on the patio of Shores Inn, great people, and the best steak dinner ever.

Lately I've been adding classic literature to my reading list. Hence the Kafka reference above. Through most of the books I've read of his, I would always think, "I bet Kafka is laughing at everyone who reads his work and thinks he's so profound, because I'm pretty sure he thought it was just one big ironic joke; he's saying, 'Ha I fooled those suckers!'" And maybe he's laughing at me now, because I ended up really enjoying it in the end.
On another note, I feel like I've been really coming in to single-hood. I think it takes awhile to adjust to it sometimes. Before my last break up, I hadn't been single for more than a month in about 2 1/2 years, and I think I'm just starting to truly accept that it has potential for a whole lot of fun!
I feel like I'm right at the beginning of a huge transition. I have been a student my whole life and now I'm about to step into the real world, without the help of student loans and my parents (for the most part). Add that to the economy taking a turn for the worst and I'm realizing that it's going to be a struggle at times to make ends meet, I know it.
I tie this directly to my happy decision to be single. I have no idea what is coming around the bend for me, and to be tied up in a relationship seems like it would be even harder. Now don't get me wrong, I have no opposition to hanging out with people and possibly dating, but a full on relationship sounds like the worst idea in the world.
Even though, in the back of my head, I know if something really great came around, I wouldn't hold myself back from it. I would probably fall in head first like I always do. But as that's currently not the case, I am very happy with the way things are now.
And to finish 'er off...
Lately I have been grateful for:
- People who are able to honestly laugh at their faults... or their less than perfect actions. I'm starting to really understand the importance of that in my own life.
- People who help others just because they like to.
- My mom, who always seems to persevere through anything life throws at her. I really look up to her.
- My aunt and uncle, who opened up their home for my friends and I, told us great stories, and above all, always makes me feel loved.
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