Monday, December 15, 2008

Overwhelming lucky

By no means do I hope that this blog makes me out to be some all gracious, super happy person. I'm assured by the fact that most of the people who read this blog know the real me and know that I am certainly not a happy or gracious person all the time. This blog is meant as a check. It's to say, "hey Merry, guess what? You're life is pretty good, stop fretting."

That's why I think it's a great idea when others send me guest lists. Even though I've only had this blog for a week, I can already see the positive affects of writing down what you've got "going on for your fine self." Send them to me!

I think it's interesting to think of the people who have come in and out of your life. I have one person, in particular, who has come in to my life and that I look up to like no other. He's no more than an friendly acquaintance, but I've seen his life turn inside out, then turn up side down. I admire him because through all of his challenges, he has kept his head on straight, and he has kept his chin held high. He accepted everything that was thrown at him, and he found a way to make the very best of each situation and to turn his life in to something he truly enjoys. I doubt he thinks that anyone looks up to him. I doubt he thinks that anyone admires him. However, if I ever need inspiration, I will always look to him. Thank you Christopher Burlingham.

This weekend has been great. I felt lucky this weekend because:

  • My new friend, Sean, that I haven't spoken to in a year, called me and invited me to the Piston's game. My very first Pistons game, might I add! It was an entirely great night full of new people, new adventures, and good experiences.
  • Katie came all the way out to Detroit to see me... which she's been doing a lot lately! Only a few of my home friends have come to see me in Detroit, and Katie has come more than I could ever ask of her.
  • Dan, Katie and Brenden came snowboarding with me. It's great to be able to share my hobbies with people.
  • TV shows are put on DVD / People accept my teenage-drama obsession. Thank you to that special one who watched hours of 90210 with me.
  • Brian made an effort to hang out with me. I got to share a lot of quality time with Brian and Kevin. I always love hanging out with those two.
  • Kristina thought of me and gave me a token to remember it. How could you not feel special when someone picks you up a present that "reminds you of them"?
  • I got to see my favorite Grosse Pointe girls. They always make me so happy.

On my drive home tonight, I got overwhelming thankful. I can say this feeling doesn't happen to me often, so I tried to relish in it.

I am so lucky to have so many people who accept me for the person I am.

I am so lucky that I've let people into my life and they've elected to stay.

Thank you.


Leah said...

I've always wanted to go snowboarding, but after I told Dan and he said, "Be prepared to fall on your ass a lot," the motivation sort of melted away.

love and be said...

Or if you're Dan, "be prepared to run into a giant pole." The first few snowboarding experiences are rough! It's okay if you really want to learn. However, if you just want to have fun on a hill, I would suggest skiing :0)

Anonymous said...

Merry Roberts I miss you like crazy!! I wish we could hang out but alas I live like 16 hours away!