Monday, May 11, 2009

Sore butt

Now that I have a job, it's hard to find time to update! I spend all day on the computer, so when I come home, the last thing I want to do is stare at the computer again. It's nice having a job though.

If everything goes according to plan, I'll work for this company for most of the summer and save up enough money to move out west in the fall. Then of course I'll get an awesome job in my field and start making enough money to live and pay off my loans.

However, nothing goes according to plans, so I'm trying not to make that many. I do want to move away at the end of summer/beginning of fall. I would like to move to Colorado. I'm going to apply for as many jobs in my field as possible. I'm going to try and make the best of these crazy times.

HOWEVER, I've been toying with the idea of going back to school and becoming a college professor. And not in the field of Psychology. I've been doing research on scholarly fields that I could see myself wanting to study/teach for a super long time. But that wouldn't be for a couple years.

I graduated last weekend, and so did my sister! The whole weekend was full of accomplishments, great food, and one crazy night out in Royal Oak (even though I may have been the craziest). I was just so happy to go out with everyone from my program.

Lately I've been grateful for:
  • Friends and Family.
  • My graduate cohort, who, without them, I don't know how I would have made it through the past two years.
  • Textbook prices on Amazon when you're studying for fun and can buy the outdated versions.
  • Fun events with matching shirts or a silly game made out of chairs or a celebrating a national holiday that doesn't involve your country.

I'm participating in the Zoo-de-Mack this weekend. A 50 mile bike ride from Boyne Highlands to Mackinaw Island. There will be tons of people, good food, good music, and a sweet bar crawl on the island. It's a bicycle festival extraordinaire. Sean, Sean and Anthony from Maryland are going to be there! I haven't seen them in years!

However, I went for a 6 mile bike ride last night and wanted to die. My croch/butt/sitting muscles are soooo sore. 50 miles is going to be hard!!

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